Rasmus Klump
Rasmus Klump
Rasmus Klump is a series of pancake mix that makes it cozy, fast and easy to make children and pancake fans happy with a stack of tempting home baked pancakes. Just like Rasmus Klump’s mother, who makes the best pancakes in the world and is always ready with a tower-like stack of the, right when Rasmus Klump and his friends need them the most.
This series of pancakes is of course inspired by the well-known (not least in Denmark!), always happy, cute and very pancake-loving bear, Rasmus Klump. He was created by the Danish couple Carla and Vilhelm Hansen who drew and wrote many stories about the little adventurous bear. Since 1951 the comic books have been published in more than 20 countries and + 20 mio. copies have been sold.
Now you can not only read but also eat! The boxes provide easy and successful pancake making and are also perfect as little edible presents for Rasmus Klump fans.