Madame Butterfly
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Madame Butterfly
Madame Butterfly is a line of organic products produced with consideration of our planet as well as our health. The main products are biscuits, cakes and snacks, but the list is continuously expanded with new products. Always developed to suit the Nordic preference and optimized nutritionally. We aim for the products to contain less salt and less saturated fats but more dietary fibers. Selected discount supermarkets have this series in their permanent assortment and various other supermarkets carry this series on a regular basis.
The Butterfly is a good sign
Did you know that butterflies love everything organic? They do! On average you find twice as many butterflies on organic fields compared to conventional ones. Mind blowing, right?!
We have chosen the butterfly as logo and this is not a coincidence. At Madame Butterfly you only find organic products, produced with consideration for nature, your health and your taste buds. We always aim for the best. Therefore, we reduce the sugar and fat content, add extra dietary fibers and pick Fair trade ingredients when possible.
We believe in organics. Not as a buzz word but as a fact. We want to give you the option to make better choices in your everyday – of course at “democratic” prices so everyone can be on board.